Sunday, April 15, 2012


This was my experience in Locke, CA. We arrived in Locke and as we were going around taking pictures, just the essence of the old Chinese town was amazing to me. Seeing how the buildings were falling apart, paint chipping off the walls and doors, walls looking like they were falling down. It had been on my mind for some time and i had wanted to visit this town and preserve how it looked to me through the eye of my lens. while we were walking through alleys with stray cats running everywhere me and my dad ended up meeting James Motlow. James was the co-author and photographer for the historical book "bitter melon", it is about the history of Locke. He invited us in his house and told us what he does and showed me some of his photography as well as his story of how he ended up there. I loved his way of saying taking photographs he said as we left "have fun image making".
so here are a few images i took from Locke,CA.
Also if you would like to purchase any of my works you can go to